This permanent residence card allows an investor to live and do business in the United States of America in exchange for a substantial investment (minimum recommended threshold is US $150,000). This investment must be in an enterprise of which 50% is owned by the investor.
The E-2 nonimmigrant classification allows a national of a treaty country (a country with which the United States maintains a treaty of commerce and navigation, or with which the United States maintains a qualifying international agreement) to be admitted to the United States when investing a substantial amount of capital in a U.S. business. The investment used to qualify for an E2 visa must be in an active and operating business that requires people to work in the business.
Funds could be placed into a special escrow account only to be transferred if the E2 visa is granted. Escrow account arrangements are more likely to be relevant if you are buying an existing business instead of starting a new business. In such a situation the seller of the business could agree for money to be held in an escrow account.